A myth about December recruitment is that Christmas isn’t the time for recruiting. With businesses shutting early and peoples budgets getting pushed into Christmas parties there is no room, right? Well that’s exactly where you are wrong! Christmas is a time where more members of staff might be needed more than ever! Industries that have a massive push such retail may need more help with the sudden splurge of consumers.
Start 2021 right!
Lots of companies will be on the lookout for December starters to allow them to start new projects as soon as 2021 hits. Searching for new candidates in December gives a company the opportunity to train individuals and get them up to speed with what is happening before January’s new year start. This is a massive advantage to not only the business but the employee, allowing both to be one step in front of the competition.

Beat the competition
Off over Christmas and hating your job? Waiting to apply to all the new jobs in January to ‘start the new year off fresh’? Instead why not look at December as the perfect opportunity for you to revamp your profile! Researching how to write an industry specific CV, looking at people of a similar job role to you and how their LinkedIn profile is displayed, add your latest projects and skillset. Now the job hunt can begin and get your foot in the door before anyone else!
Christmas is the biggest push for some!
Everyone wants to get their sales through the roof to finish the year off on a high, so maybe an extra person will help do accomplish exactly that! Some industries perhaps more than others especially in retail will be needing more staff. A company may need to hire graphic designers to help with their new design of a Christmas campaign or hire Developers to keep the website up and running or update their management systems. It’s the prime time to get looking!
Leftover yearly budget
Through the year every company monitors expenditure, making sure they get their money’s worth for what they are putting into the results they receive. Whether it’s ordering new software or a work social – everything is monitored! No company wants a budget to go to waste so why not recruit some people to help with the final Christmas push. At the end of November, going into December there may be roles that won’t have been filled – a problem could be the budget! Recruiting at the end of the year allows employers to add extra budget to those hard to fill roles and get top talent applying!

Networking during Christmas – there isn’t a better time
There is no better time to start networking, everyone is in the holiday spirit! Do some digging into companies you want to work for, take a look at their LinkedIn, read blogs they have shared – so your application is the best it can be. Once applied, why not message them on LinkedIn to let them know you have applied, this way even if they are out of the office you will be in their memory for when they arrive back.
Unexpected employee departures
However, this advice is open to everyone, an unexpected employee departure can leave a company scrambling to fill the void. Positions like this are hot, companies will quickly look for people to fill the position so that the team isn’t left falling behind. Keep an eye out for these last-minute openings and take advantage of others’ dashes for the door!

Here at Searchability we have an array of jobs so apply directly here. If you are struggling to find the time and are too busy, take this time to update your CV and LinkedIn, connect with people in your industry just in time for the New Year.