10 things you only understand if you work at Searchability …


This is all too true for us at Searchability…

1. You will quickly become one of Bar Lounge’s best customers

Even if you try and walk towards the Sainsbury’s local the pull for a sharing board with your colleagues at lunchtime is just too strong!


Picture: http://www.chester360.co.uk/

2. Everything becomes a competition…

It’s an office full of recruiters and sales people – whether it’s who’s billed the most money, made the most phone calls or sent the most tweets, EVERYTHING becomes a competition. And you’ll probably find yourself roped into a bet with your colleagues at least once. And don’t ever bring up the Pictionary incident in 2016 (trust us).

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3. You’ll get the chance to exercise your Fitbit
Our office is on the third floor – and the lift in the building isn’t always the most reliable! So you’ll have the chance to get your steps in!

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4. You’ll make a weird impulse purchase from Blinkers café across the road

A whole box of shortbread? Why not! And you’ll get to know Ziggy pretty well as you go in at your 11am and 4pm breaks too (as long as he doesn’t close early obvs).


Picture: http://www.192.com/

5. You’ll love Fridays
Finishing at 5pm instead of staying late is the best! Especially when Bar Lounge is across the road!


6. Your liver won’t love Fridays

Especially First Fridays where we have fun activities and nights out – which we usually centre around lots of drinking.


7. You’ll be on the phone to IT Support at least once a week

And the solution will probably be to restart your 10ZiG.

IT Crowd - support

8. Your anxiety will sky rocket when a candidate calls you before they are due to start

The struggle is real, but luckily you’ll do a lot more deals than you’ll have drop outs!

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9. You’ll write 12+1 more than the number 13

And never EVER write 13 on the board!


10. Paydays are better than ever

With the opportunity to earn up to 25% commission paydays can feel like you’ve won the lottery! Just don’t get caught getting the round in for everyone!


Click here to find out more about our current opportunities at Searchability, or email [email protected]!

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