11 Reasons you should use HubHoller for your Next Vacancy

HubHoller is an exciting collaboration from the team at Searchability and the employer branding gurus at our sister brand JobHoller. It combines recruitment, marketing and technology into monthly targeted inbound recruitment campaigns to allow companies to affordably attract the right people for their job vacancies. We launched HubHoller exclusively for Searchability clients a couple of months ago, and since then we have had some fantastic client success stories, and even one of our own as we were awarded the “Technical Innovation” award at the 2019 Onrec Awards earlier this month for our new HubHoller concept! We now want to introduce the HubHoller product to people outside of our existing client base, but instead of just telling you about what HubHoller is, we wanted to show you the real benefits that come with using it!

Check out 11 of the reasons why you should consider using HubHoller for your next vacancy:

HubHoller will optimise  your job advert
Every hiring journey starts with a job description, but sadly most company job specifications do not translate directly into engaging job adverts. Different job boards have different “quirks” to help optimise for job advert positioning (things like job titles, advert length, key word repetition etc.), so without being a seasoned recruiter you might not know the best way to write yours to make sure it gets seen! HubHoller clients benefit from the Searchability expertise when it comes to optimising adverts for positioning, as well as the employer branding insights from the team at JobHoller to make your advert more engaging for candidates too.

You’ll get a branded careers hub
Every company should have a dedicated careers section on their website, but a standalone careers hub can still be a massive benefit to have alongside this. The HubHoller careers hub (example below) can be easily tweaked and updated with information that is targeted and relevant to the vacancies you have, and most importantly it is fully Google for jobs and mobile optimised. According to Glassdoor 45% of job seekers say they use their mobile device specifically to search for jobs at least once a day, so having a branded careers platform that looks great and is easy to use on a mobile phone will help you get the best possible application rate.

Your job will be posted to the top UK job boards
Advertising on job boards directly can be pretty costly, but with HubHoller your vacancy will be posted through a sponsored Indeed campaign as well as job boards including Total Jobs, Jobsite, Monster, and CW Jobs too. This means your job can be seen by thousands of relevant candidates who are actively searching for jobs in your area, and you’ll get visibility of 100% of the applications.

You’ll benefit from intelligent social targeting
According to SHRM, 79% of job seekers use social media in their job search, so getting your employer brand and live vacancies onto platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is an absolute essential. If you’re not a social media expert it can be a bit of a minefield knowing exactly how to promote your roles, but with a HubHoller campaign we will build out unique audience targeting so that your adverts deliver to candidates who are relevant for your vacancy. This means your adverts are more likely to convert into engagement and applications, and less likely to blow your budget in the wrong places!

Your adverts will be engaging
Intelligent targeting on social media will help your adverts deliver to the right people, but most importantly our content team will make sure the adverts themselves stand out and excite potential candidates. We use bespoke media including images, GIF’s and videos to highlight your adverts, with punchy headlines and tags to showcase your company culture and EVP’s, helping to attract candidates who are interested in who you are and what life is like at your organisation. We aim to drive as much relevant traffic through to your careers hub, branded content and job adverts.

Content to bring your employer brand to life
A HubHoller campaign centres around more than just a vacancy, in fact the team at JobHoller will help to discover and promote your unique employer brand through bespoke content. We will create a blog that gives an authentic insight everything that makes your organisation a great place to work, promoting your main EVP’s and showcasing your unique company culture. According to Glassdoor, 69% of active job seekers are likely to apply to a job if the employer actively manages its employer brand, and this can be your first step into managing yours! HubSpot note that 55% of marketers say that blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority, and as the content is yours to keep forever you can reap the benefits of this for your recruitment strategy in the future too!

Everything is done for you
We know that time can be short for companies who managing recruitment internally, and that’s why the HubHoller campaign is fully managed from start to finish on your behalf. All we need is a little bit of information to get your careers hub set up, a couple of completed Q&A’s with employees to build your content and an accurate job description, and we do the rest! You’ll get weekly updates of the campaign activity and a full report at the end to highlight engagement and applications.

Access to a personalised ATS
If you don’t already use an ATS (applicant tracking system) in your company, then you will have access to the JobHoller ATS system to help you manage applications and nurture the candidate experience. According to Capterra, 94% of those who used an applicant tracking system (ATS) claimed that using the ATS improved their recruitment process. Our ATS allows you to create a personalised candidate journey, making it simple to step a candidate through from application to offer. The ATS features intelligent automation that is still personalised to each candidate, so you can respond to everyone who applies without eating into your time too much.

Chance to secure a direct hire
By driving all traffic generated from job boards and social adverts, you will have the opportunity to onboard a candidate at no additional cost if they apply directly. Depending on the role it may take a little longer than 28 days to reap the benefits of direct candidate traffic (especially within IT and tech), but there is ALWAYS an opportunity for a quick win, so why not give yourself an opportunity of seeing the applications recruiters usually get? It could save you thousands on recruitment fees!

Backed up by Searchability
If your vacancy falls within software development, IT support & infrastructure, software testing, big data & analytics, design & creative, eCommerce or digital marketing then you will also have the opportunity to get your vacancy backed up by Searchability. While the campaign is running the HubHoller team will be giving you visibility of all inbound traffic and applications, but an expert recruiter at Searchability will also actively work your role, reaching out to their niche talent pools and headhunting for candidates who fit on both experience and personality for your company.

HubHoller Fee rebate available
If Searchability ultimately place a candidate for your role, then the HubHoller cost (£1,000 + VAT) is deducted from your placement fee. So basically it costs you nothing to give yourself the chance of securing a direct candidate and have a dedicated brand awareness campaign in your name! This applies whether it’s placed before or after your 28-day campaign ends!

If you are interested in getting started with a HubHoller campaign for your organisation then get in touch with Kate / Sophie on 01244 567 967 or drop us a message here!

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