5 Things Top Digital Talent Are Looking for Within Their Next Move… And How to Keep Hold of Them!

In an evermore candidate driven market it’s important to understand what entrants in the digital space are looking for. Whether or not your company can provide absolutely everything, playing to your strengths to ensure your brand attraction is as strong as it can possibly be, is vital. Although salary is an obvious benefit, there are many other elements that will increase your appeal. Here are 5 key areas we hear about on an hourly basis…


A great company culture has always been a nice thing to have, however it is now becoming a frequent ‘must have’ within the Digital industry. Google have continuously advocated and pioneered this, with many companies now taking it on board to increase their competitive advantage. Although searching for inspiration is helpful, it’s important to avoid replicating other companies cultures; following the crowd is recommended until you have identified your values and future goals.

Incorporating benefits that you can currently maintain is key…. going from beanbags and ping pong tables with flexible working, to changing it up once you hit a certain number of employees is recommended. Plan for the long term and you will not only attract but retain the right digital talent.

Roadmap for progression

Multiple sources have mentioned how 3 years is the average timescale employees should or do stay within one role/company for. That’s an extremely generic statement that we think shouldn’t apply, and the key thing is that employees can see the progression roadmap ahead.

Career progression is one of the main reasons why applicants search for new roles and one question we always ask in recruitment is “What does that mean to you?”. The answers are as diverse as the Digital Talent we ask and can vary from title, responsibility, remuneration or hands on exposure. The main area here is to sit down with the employee sooner rather than later to find out their progression goals within the company, and then manage their expectations from there.

Track record

For many candidates a company’s past is just as important as its present. Whether this is joining a long running successful company, or one who has shown determination and growth over the past few years – candidates like to know what they are getting involved in. A good reputation and track record has a great appeal, being part of something that is doing well is always exciting and an incentive to want to get stuck in! As they say… success breeds success.


A supportive network in the workplace is something most candidates look for. Starting a new job, especially at the beginning of your career is always a daunting step. Making candidates aware early on that they will either have a mentor or regular reviews with their line-manager could potentially influence their decision and help to put their mind at ease. Not only is this beneficial for the employee, but it allows you as a company to really mould your staff.
With the ever-expanding range of software’s available within the digital marketing industry, having an experienced executive to take you under their wing and coach you in a way that works for you is invaluable. Your senior people can pass on a wealth of knowledge and resources, which long term should turn profitable for the company.

After salary, company benefits are one of the most important features that candidates look for from a prospective employer. From our research, here are the five most popular:

Annual Leave – This one’s a bit of a no-brainer and is probably the stand out benefit candidates look for. 25 days+ seems to be the norm within the digital industry these days, however, the likes of having an additional day off for your birthday can boost your attraction significantly.

Pension – As generations are living and working longer, having the knowledge that a company is supporting you towards retirement can be a persuasive factor when looking for your next step. The higher the pension contribution, the more desirable it is to stay within your company long term.

Flexible Working – Over the past few years, flexible working has become one of the most sought-after benefits. Due to location of many top digital companies, the freedom to commute to work outside of rush hour is becoming more and more appealing, and positively effects the desired work-life balance trend.

Bonus’ – A company related bonus scheme is also important. If their position is not financially performance related, this is a great way to ensure that they feel rewarded for the hard work they have put in to hitting their targets.

Paid Training Courses – Every candidate we speak to, whether this is the Head of Digital for a leading retailer or a copywriter for a small publishing company, all would love further training opportunities. These can be very costly upfront, however investing in your staff’s training will always prove profitable for the company.

Keeping on top of your potential candidates working desires is highly important in todays heavily saturated working world. Although it isn’t an expectation to implement every possible benefit, investing in options that suit your current business’s size and success is vital to attract top quality applicants. Along with attraction, you’ll make sure that your other employees are more than content in their working conditions, leading to a greater retention rate.

For the latest digital marketing news and tips, follow @SearchableLiam on Twitter!

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