7 ways to get motivated after your holiday

Returning to the office after a holiday can be a drag for even the most motivated employees. Whether it’s the reality that you’re not waking up to relax in the Spanish sun all day, or perhaps you’re facing a three day hangover from a weekend in Magaluf – you need a plan to get back into the swing of things on your return! Here are some tips to make your first day back that little less painful and get motivated after your holiday.

Keep the routine
We’re not suggesting you keep your 6am alarm set for your entire holiday, but if you have the luxury of a day or two between your holiday and your first work day then it might be wise to skip the lie-in and start getting back into a normal routine. Your body will thank you for it when you’re not falling asleep at your desk!

Make lists
To-do lists are a fuzzy head’s best friend, so start your day by planning your diary and making a realistic list of what you want to achieve for the day. Striking through completed tasks will give you a sense of achievement, and it will stop you forgetting about those important tasks if you are still suffering from a bit of a hangover!

Get a hearty breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so make sure you start your day properly to avoid running on empty! Maybe swerve the McMuffin though in favour of something like porridge and fruit!

When we’re tired we hit the coffee machine, but you’ll feel a lot better if you hydrate with plenty of water. Aim to have a small glass of water for every hour you’re at your desk to rehydrate properly!

Dress for the occasion
We all have that one power suit or smart outfit that we reserve for important client meetings, so why not dig it out for your first day back. You’ll feel confident and hopefully a lot more motivated to take on the day!

Build in breaks
Instead of allowing yourself to get distracted with a browse on Facebook here and there, build in structured breaks so you can focus on work but still get some light relief when needed. You’ll get a lot more done this way and it will make your 5 hour morning much more bearable.

Give yourself a treat
Holiday blues are the worst, so try and build something fun into your day. Think lunch out with your colleagues, an uplifting Spotify playlist to help the day pass quicker or even a ‘bring your dog to work day’!

Still struggling to feel motivated?

Check out our other blogs on motivation here.

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