How to smash your September


The start of a new month is always a great opportunity to re-evaluate your career goals and re-motivate yourself to achieve them. Traditionally you may think that January is the best time to really do this, but with a lingering hangover, dreary winter mornings and a mammoth list of new years’ resolutions it doesn’t take much for us to fall off track! September on the other hand is an excellent opportunity, the ‘back to school’ time where we are given the chance for a fresh start, rejuvenated from our recent summer holidays and bank holiday BBQ’s! Want to know how to smash your September? Read these top tips today!

Set clear and realistic targets

Targets are so important to kick your month off to a good start, but make sure you don’t set the bar too high! Nothing knocks the wind out of your sails like failing to hit your targets so be realistic in what you want to achieve. If you are new to recruitment for example, set small increases to bill each month until you are at the level you need to be. Sub targets are really important as well, so make sure you plan your workload accordingly to ensure you aren’t behind on your targets at the end of each week.

Get organised

Don’t use a diary? Go out and get one today! Desk in utter chaos? Time for a clear-out! A tidy desk is a tidy mind and it will help you focus on your goals more clearly.

Catch some zzz’s

Sleep is so important if you want to be at your peak in work. A good night’s sleep will help you be more alert, punctual and happier in work. Even going to bed half an hour earlier can make a huge difference, so ditch that boxset on Netflix and hit the hay!

Be more positive

It’s so easy to slip into a negative mind-set in a work environment; I mean lets face it not many people are a fan of a Monday morning! Try and force yourself into a positive mind-set and refrain from moaning / negative comments in the office. Why not swap your ‘I hate Monday’ meme you normally post on Instagram for a motivational quote! The best part is your positivity will run off on others too thus helping create a happier workforce!

Stay social

Social media is the number one activity on the web so now is the time to harness its power to benefit yo8ur career goals. It could be building your network to increase your client base, promoting / marketing a product or services or simply increasing your brand awareness through a Facebook / twitter campaign! There has never been a better time to explore these vast opportunities so get social today!

Reward yourself

It’s the little things that count – so add a spring to your step with a few things to keep your mood up in work! It could be listening to your favourite music in the office, treating yourself to a high street coffee or arranging something fun after work like a fitness class or dinner with friends! It will help you stay positive throughout the week and stay on track with your goals in the office!


Sophie Heaton (Digital Campaign Manager)

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