7 Ways to Beat those Recruiting January Blues



With many of us taking some much needed holiday time over Christmas the return to work can definitely be a shock to the system. No more chocolate for breakfast, no more lounging around in your pyjamas watching movies and no more avoiding the 500 emails in your inbox! You’re back in work, *probably* skint and realising there’s 354 days to go until the next Christmas break…

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Now January is hardly a breeding ground for positivity, but here are 7 simple ways to make your month that little bit better and beat those Recruiting January Blues!

Get Organised

OK so this one doesn’t sound like loads of fun, but a new year is a fresh start, so what better time to get yourself organised! It may seem like a chore (a bit like when your mum nagged you to tidy your room) but the results can make you more refreshed and improve your productivity enormously! If you don’t have a diary now is the time to get one, and at the end of each day note down your targets / to-do list for the following day.

Digital Disruption

Touch base with your clients

Before you pick up on the vacancies you were working before Christmas make sure you touch base with your clients to get an update on their recruitment. A lot can change in that time off and you want to make sure you are focusing your time on roles that you can actually place! Plus it’s always nice to wish people a Happy New Year!

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Set some mini targets

Even Confucius would get stressed coming to work in January with at mammoth target and an empty pipeline! Don’t let your main target overwhelm you and set some mini goals to help get you where you need to be! Whether it’s CV’s sent / interviews booked / new pieces of business acquired, if you can meet your daily targets it can give you that little boost you need to go on and smash the main one!


Don’t get bogged down in resolutions

‘New Year New Me’ is all fun and games until you’re up at 5am for a pre-work gym class and nothing but a quinoa salad to brighten up your day. January can be depressing at the best of times, so if you are making resolutions then maybe don’t try and do EVERYTHING all at once!

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Have a fun lunch break

Sticking with the theme of not overdoing the resolutions why not do something fun in your lunch break (you know, after you’ve had the quinoa salad)! It could just be a game of PlayStation against your colleague or maybe even a sneaky trip to the pub (if you’re not tied to Dry January)! Breaking up the day and getting away from your computer does wonders for motivation, and chances are your colleagues are feeling exactly the same!

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Remember it’s a month of opportunity

If you’re feeling the January blues then you can guarantee there are a lot of other people in the same boat. But instead of just feeling a bit down there are thousands of people who are ready to hand their notice in and find their next career… maybe with one of your vacancies… which will help you to hit your target… and get you some lovely commission! January isn’t so bad after all!

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If in doubt, book a holiday

Sometimes all you need is some light at the end of the tunnel to get you through the worst month of the year!



So there you have it, 7 easy ways to take the WORST month of the Year and turn it into one of the best recruitment months ever!


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