10 Ways to Enhance Your Linkedin Profile

Generally boring, unprofessional profiles on Linkedin go unnoticed. Here are 10 tips to enhance your LinkedIn profile, put yourself out there and get your profile noticed.

1. Have a professional head-shot taken, or have a friend take one for you. This makes your profile picture look professional, which is key. Don’t forget to smile!

2. Tell people about your title or work position in your own words. Spice up what’s already there, make it unique.

3. Change your settings to where your whole network isn’t notified every time you make a change. In the end, your network will thank you.

4. Your summary is your story, it’s all about you and your passions, skills, and experiences! This summary should be 3-5 paragraphs long with bullet points near the middle, and your email near the end.

5. Personalising your URL will get you noticed as well. Make it stand out, make it you!

6. Spruce up your work history by detailing your descriptions of past jobs. These details will get you noticed by potential customers, employers, and recruiters.

7. Add appropriate media such as: videos, Slideshare presentations, online portfolios, blog articles, and websites to your profile.

8. Even if you’re currently unemployed, include a current job description. Most recruiters use the current job box to search for potential candidates.

9. Don’t be afraid to flaunt your skills! There is a section specifically for this, choose anywhere from 15-20 appropriate skills and strengths from your built-in menu and show off what you are capable of!

10. Finally, encourage friends and acquaintances to talk you up. If someone is looking for your specific skills they can recommend your profile.

These tips are designed to help set you apart and get you noticed. Use them wisely and be build your online footprint to help grow your confidence levels and enable you to stand out and look like the professional that you truly are.

Want To Learn More > 10 Tips for Supercharging Your LinkedIn Profile

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