A-Z of the Job Hunt

A-Z of Job Hunt


If you’re looking for a new job then chances are you will have experienced a number of different emotions as well as a million different stages of the application and the interview. Here we list a few familiar ones in the A-Z of the Job Hunt!



Unless you are approached by a recruiter yourself this is often the first stage of the process, make sure you take your time to fill each section in correctly.



Decide what type of business you want to work for and spend time looking at companies in your chosen area, even if there isn’t an advertised vacancy it is always worth contacting them and submitting your CV.



This is essential to the job hunt. Get your C.V right and it will improve your chances of getting an interview massively! Read essential CV tips here.



Try and submit your application as quickly as possible if you want to be considered for the job role. Seen a role you like but the deadline has passed? Contact them anyway as it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s been filled!



List your education details and qualifications below your employment history with your most recent experience first.



Before your interview make sure you remember key facts about the company and its industry so you can impress your interviewer.



As well as pointing out previous experience and achievements it is important to outline your future goals, they will be impressed with your ambition and proactive attitude!



OK this won’t be true in all interviews but try not to take yourself too seriously! Some friendly chat and light humour can help get your personality across.



If you have been invited to interview you have already impressed them with your experience and C.V. Now is the time to nail it! Read essential interview tips here.


Job Boards

This is probably the first place you will go to when looking for a new job role! Not only can you search for jobs but you too become searchable to employers by uploading your CV!



‘Praise and honour received for an achievement’ – don’t be embarrassed to add testimonials / references to your portfolio.



As well as tailoring your C.V to each job role it is important to include a personalised cover letter as well. This is a chance to articulate yourself more thoroughly than on your C.V!



You need a meticulous approach and great attention to detail when submitting an application. One spelling mistake and the chances are they will throw your C.V in the bin!



Check your current contract so you can let your interviewer know what your notice period would be.



Don’t try and lie about your experience on your application as it will only trip you up down the line! Be open and honest at all times!



Put together a portfolio of your C.V, previous work, detailed skills, qualifications and testimonials. It will help impress the interviewer and act as a great visual aid when you are discussing your past experience.



Remember the interview is 2-sided, this is your chance to ask the questions you want to know on things such as your day-to-day tasks / company culture etc.



This is essential. Researching the company and it’s competitors will show commitment to the job role and commercial awareness.


Social Media

Don’t forget to connect with the company / follow them on Social Media. This way you will hear about new vacancies and get an insight into their culture.



Depending on your industry you may be required to carry out tests as part of the application so prepare as much as possible for these.



You need to separate yourself from your competitors so try and do something a little different to stand out! Read these tips to stand out from the crowd.



Remember to tell your interviewer (if asked) about any pre-booked vacations!



It’s always better to be over-dressed than under-dressed so remember this when choosing what to wear!



OK so this is a bit of a cheat with the letters, but it is important to go the extra mile in your application and interview preparation so you can impress your interviewer with what you know.



Be yourself, simple as that.



This is how you will feel at the end of the process but if you can bag that dream job it will be all worth it!



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