Don’t Waste Time Practicing The Wrong Interview Questions.


Ah, the dreaded job interview. We’ve all been there, tediously going over every possible question in an attempt to perfect our responses. The problem is that there just seems like an endless flood of possibilities when it comes to what your (hopefully) future employer might ask. Well, worry no longer. Every interviewer is mainly looking for the answers to three easy questions.

First question: Are you qualified and capable?

Employers want to know if you’re able to handle the job they’re offering. They’re trying to find out if you have the proper skills and the appropriate amount of experience to excel in the position offered. You want to let them know that you’re prepared for this job, and that you know what it entails.

Second question: How much do you care about the job/company?

Employers want to hire people who have a genuine interest in their company. You need to show that you have looked into the organization, know what they are about, and are excited to start working for them.

Third question: Are you right for us?

You will certainly want to let them know why you feel you would be a good match for their company and explain that in some detail.

Armed with the answers to those three questions you’re well prepared to ace that interview at the Fortune 500 company you’ve been dreaming about. There’s no need to spend late nights worrying about what you’re going to say. That being said, you do need to do your homework. Do some research into the company you’re applying for so you know what to say, and what to expect.

Take A Deeper Dive Into This Topic > Job Interview: Why Only 3 Questions Really Matter

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