How Do Hiring Managers Use Social Media To Recruit ?

how to get hired using linkedin

Every day an increasing amount of recruiters and hiring managers are using social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter to recruit new employees and find the best talent for new opportunities. Here are some things you need to know if you want to be picked up by a company or agency that you want to work for.

How many companies use social media to recruit?

According to a survey released on Jobvite, 92% of employers are currently using or planning on using social media to recruit new employees this year. This means that you need to start working on your social media profiles and optimize your social media accounts so that employers will notice you and want to interview you in the first instance.

What are the top social media sites that recruiters use?

LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are the top three social media sites that companies look at when trying to find a potential employee and 93% of those employers are using LinkedIn. Facebook and Twitter are following close behind as more and more employers are starting to look at people on these sites. Interestingly, there is a lot of interest growing in WhatsApp too.

Do recruiters look at my tweets?

Yes they do. You should be posting professional content that could not incriminate you or harm your online reputation in any way in the future. Post and share content that is relevant to you, your aspirations and your career – so that a potential employer might see what you’re passionate about and will be more likely to hire you.

Recruiting on social media is here to stay and if you want to have a better chance of getting that dream job you have always wanted, then you need to start working on your social media profiles and posting relevant content. By knowing how recruiters find people, you can increase your chances of getting a job in the near future.

Learn More > Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Factor In to How Job Recruiters Hire Candidates

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