How the job hunt has changed over the last 20 years

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Over the last 2 decades a lot has changed, especially when it comes to how we approach the job hunt. In a culture that is increasingly fast-paced, technology driven and always on the go it is no wonder we have had to adjust to a change in how we search for a new job. Here we take a look at how the job hunt has changed over the last 20 years:

Submitting your CV

20 years ago the most common method of distributing a CV would be to print numerous copies of your CV, and physically hand it out to businesses or drop it in the post! Not only is this process time consuming and expensive (have you seen the cost of stamps lately) it is also inefficient in 2015. Companies expect you to tailor your CV to them so it is important that every application is personalised if you want to stand a good chance of getting an interview! Nowadays we submit applications via email – it’s both quicker and easier, especially if you’re not looking close to home!

Looking for job roles

In 1995 it was normal to search through listings in local newspapers and look in shop / office windows for vacancy signs! This still happens today for a very small minority of jobs but these days the number 1 place people look for jobs is online. That means job boards, company careers pages and social media!


Networking was commonly used in the job hunt 20 years ago and it still is today! Only networking today is largely done online through LinkedIn / Facebook / Twitter etc. Both are effective but the fact that Social Media allows you to connect with your wider network means the potential for finding a job role via your network is vastly increased!

Word of Mouth

A lot of roles were filled via word of mouth 20 years ago, today we have recruiters acting as the word of mouth for you! With extensive candidate bases and a plethora of vacancies recruiters are able to source the most suitable candidates and match them with vacancies without the pain of the candidate having to scour the job boards for these roles!


Where as interviews only took place via the telephone or face-to-face 20 years ago, today we have the capability of holding interviews via video chat! This is a great way for companies to get a feel of the candidate and save time on the amount of face-to-face interviews they have! It’s also great for candidates relocating from afar!


Sophie Heaton (Digital Campaign Manager)

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