How to embrace your Tuesday

For those of you that hate Mondays I’m betting you’re not a huge fan of Tuesdays either! I personally find it ten times harder to drag myself out of bed on a Tuesday than I do at the very start of the week but it’s time to end our hate relationship with this day. Want to know How to embrace your Tuesday? Read these suggestions NOW!

Embrace the time left


So often we spend our weeks counting the days (and hours and minutes) until Friday, but why are we wishing our time away? For the most of you that have to conquer specific tasks / meet targets in your job role look at it this way: you have 4 whole days left in your week to do it! We panic on a Friday afternoon when things are incomplete and often end up working overtime / weekends to get everything done! The 4 days can be a positive if it means you can enjoy the weekend!

Enjoy your lunch break

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Not feeling happy in the office? Use your lunch break to get out and do something you enjoy! Meet a friend for coffee or take a wander around your City / Town! Want to do something really indulgent? Book yourself in for a mini spa treatment such as a facial or a massage! What better way to look forward to the day! Not got the time for that? Make sure you get some fresh air at least, taking a quick break from your computer will work wonders for your energy!

Get Inspired


For those of us that hate Mondays we have probably spent plenty of time moaning about what day it is on Facebook and sharing Grumpy Cat Memes with ironic quotes about the day. Don’t let this creep into Tuesday! Log onto Pinterest and look at ‘Motivational Quotes’ for a change! If you find one you like write it on a post it and stick it to your computer – it’s a great reminder to stay positive throughout the day.

Make a Weekly Commitment

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If you have a regular occasion on this day then you will start to embrace Tuesday as something great rather than something you dread. It could be a fitness / yoga class or even a meet up with your friends. Try arranging a weekly ‘come dine with me’ with your friends / family on a Tuesday evening and you will have something to look forward to every week!

Get a Tasty Deal

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‘The way to a person’s heart is through their stomach’ – for most people this is definitely true! Why not have Tuesday as a day to treat yourself to a take-away? Companies such as ‘Dominos Pizza’ offer fantastic 2-4-1 deals /  50% offers on a Tuesday so it can also be a great bargain!

There are a few tips to feel positive and enjoy this day that is Tuesday! Start embracing yours NOW!


Sophie Heaton (Digital Campaign Manager)

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