How To Get A Great Job Using Twitter

job hunting using twitter

Social media seems to make everything possible these days and now you can even get a job using Twitter! Social media platforms like Twitter enable people to seek out companies who are hiring and find jobs by connecting with employers online. Here are some things you need to know that will help you get a job using social media.

How can I find a job using Twitter for a particular company?

To get a job at a company that you specifically want you need to find their Twitter page. Use Google in order to pinpoint the careers section of a companies Twitter so that you don’t have to spend all that time searching for the correct page. Some companies will post jobs that are available, which will give you the ability to decide whether to apply right there or look for another job.

What should I be tweeting when looking for a great job using Twitter ?

You should keep your tweets professional and don’t post anything that could be incriminating. I know people who were denied from certain colleges because of their social media accounts and if a college would deny someone that a business most certainly would too. Keep your tweets about things relevant to the job you want and hopefully a potential employer will see that you are interested in a job they have open.

How can I never miss a tweet from a company that I like?

You can set up an alert system such as Twilert, which send you emails or notifications depending on how frequently you want them. If you are looking for a job though, I would recommend getting daily updates so you never miss out on an opportunity.

Getting a job these days is becoming increasingly simple, and you can use social media sites such as Twitter to get the job you want. Keeping yourself updated and in the loop is the most important thing you can do if you are looking for a job, and social media is a very resourceful tool.

Learn More About Twitter > Job hunting on Twitter: social media tips

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