How to Get Hired – Starting with your LinkedIn Headshot

Ready to share the ways to be hired from your LinkedIn Headshot

The best way to show everyone how efficient and awesome you are at your job is to ensure that your LinkedIn profile is accurate, up to date and fully represents the skills and value you bring. Believe it or not, this actually all starts with your LinkedIn headshot image. Eyeball tracking studies including web page heat-map analysis have proved that over 95% of recruiters eyeballs start with the headshot – so you better make it a professional, good looking image.

Where exactly do recruiters look for the first time when they visit your LinkedIn profile?

Over 95% glance at your headshot. By seeing an unattractive or unprofessional image first sends out the wrong impression of you. These first 2 seconds are critical to ensure that the recruiter’s eyeballs move down into your core LinkedIn profile. Even if your profile is very good and potentially a good match, a poor image can endure and put the recruiter off you. They’re only human after all.

Using old holiday snaps, images from 10 years ago, poorly dressed or angled shots – or maybe even shots that you think are perfect for corporate life  (like holding a Rubik’s Cube) are also a big no-no. The chances of you getting any serious attention, let alone hired, are severely reduced.

How can a LinkedIn headshot convey your personality?

With LinkedIn there are not many restrictions on uploading your headshot, it is dependent upon you to make the headshot smart, appealing, professional and welcoming. The nature of the profession you are involved in and the way you treat and approach things should be conveyed through your facial poses and appearance. This can be done through various styles of editing and modifying your photo with the help of an expert.

Is being recognisable on LinkedIn easy?

It is always a tough job, but with the help of a creative and efficient profile headshot this can be achieved. Trying to make your profile unique and stand-out in a good way is always a challenge, but a nice headshot with a catchy facial expression will remain in the visitor’s memory and help you to become recognised over time.

Take a look at your headshot image today and perhaps compare it against some of your connections. It’s important to make your LinkedIn headshot attractive in order to get noticed, taken seriously and ultimately get hired by recruiters.

Learn More About LinkedIn Headshot Images: How To Get Hired From Your LinkedIn Headshot

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