How To Kick Start Your Career This Year


If you’ve just quit your job then you maybe looking for a way to kick start your career again. Here are a few tips to consider when you have recently quit your job and are looking for a good route back into work.

Is quitting my job actually a blessing in disguise?

Sometimes it can be – Yes. Quitting your job will give you time to reflect on what you have and haven’t done in your career to date. It gives you time to prioritize your goals and determine what you really want to devote your life’s work to. It also gives you time to pause and pat yourself on the back for having come this far in life and working at something for so long.

What should I do with all my spare time now?

There are a lot of things you can do now that you don’t have a job to devote all your waking time to. For example you could finish up that side project that you have always wanted to do such as writing that novel or going on that dream vacation that you have always fantasized about. You will have a lot of time that you won’t know what to do with and you can fill this void by working on a side project or trying to start your own business.

How soon should I start looking for a new job?

Often, this is determined by your financial situation. If not, then the first thing you should do is try to re-establish connections with people friends and see what they are up to. Do a little bit of networking within your preferred groups of people – because you never know what job might pop up as a result. Maybe your old best friend has a job opening up in the near future that you have the required skill set for or maybe your aunt needs help starting her own business. Whatever it is, it may be your next full time job and you wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to find it.

Quitting a job can be one of the most rewarding and refreshing things that you can do (or happens to you). It helps you ‘center yourself’ and lets you reflect on your career and what you want to do in the future with your life. Use this time wisely because you may be back on the work treadmill faster than you think!

Learn More About Kick Starting Your Career > 5 Ways to Kick Start a New Career After Quitting

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