How To Manage Your Online Presence

How to manage your online presence as a graduate

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that your online presence can affect you both positively and negatively when applying for your next exciting career opportunity. Ideally, you really want recruiters and employers to only see your positive side and not anything silly that could be potentially hazardous that could stop you from landing your next role or job.

Managing my online presence – where do I start?

The best place to start is to examine your social media profiles, especially LinkedIn and Facebook. You must ensure that your personal settings are all appropriate for what information you are prepared for others to have access too. The golden rule for job applicants and people leveraging LnikedIn for their future career – is to always keep it professional.

Remember to keep your personal accounts private and keep your professional accounts updated and public. Show future employers only what you want to show them and try not to post things that they could potentially stumble upon that later might deter them from contacting you.

How important is social networking and my online presence today?

Social networking has become extremely important for recruiters and employers when looking at potential candidates. It was found that 53% of employers use social networks to screen out potential employees. That just goes to show how much importance is placed on websites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter – so be aware of the things that you are posting on there, or lock down your profile and make it private.

How can social networking help me find a new job?

In lots of ways. Try to only show the positive aspects of yourself through social networking, it will influence employers and make them see you in a positive light. This can make you more attractive as a potential employee and help land you a job.

Social networking and the use of social media has become an important aspect when finding a new role or applying for a new job. There are ways that you can make social media really work for you and overall affect you in a positive way. Keeping your personal and professional networking life on the web separate is a must-do first step in this process.

Read More About Managing Your Online Presence: Using social networking in your graduate job hunt

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