How To Use Email To Fix Mistakes Following An Interview

fix mistakes following an interview

Let’s face it: we are all likely to stumble during a job interview at one point or another. But that doesn’t mean you should give up hope right away. You always want to fix mistakes following an interview soon as possible by creating a positive impression in your interviewer’s mind. One of the best ways to do this is with the follow-up “thank you” email, that has now become almost customary.

What do I do if I was too stumble in the interview?

You can always expand on an idea or answer. Use this opportunity to bring in a real-life example (which always impresses interviewers) of at time that you achieved a company goal, finished a project early, or helped a co-worker out. These concrete examples will help your interviewer know that you’re the real deal.

How can I recover after saying too much?

If you happen to ramble on or say something negative about your former company by mistake, again, take the time in your follow-up email to accentuate the positive. Talk instead about positive aspects of the new company that you feel you can contribute to that you feel you acquired at your old job. Take the negative and turn it into the positive and that will leave the interview with a better impression of you.

I was caught off-guard during the interview. What ways can I show the interviewer afterwards that I know what I’m talking about?

In the follow-up email, state specifically that you’d like to take the time to offer more detail on a previous question. There’s nothing wrong with saying “On second thought, I’d like to add…” It shows that you’re growing, continually a critical thinker, and someone who strives to correct mistakes.

So don’t give up hope. There are always mature and smart ways to fix mistakes following an interview. Just make sure that you think out your follow-up email carefully, otherwise you won’t get a chance to make another impression!

Take A Deeper Dive > 3 Job Interview Mistakes And How To Fix Them Later

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