Improve your LinkedIn Profile


linkedin profile

Linked in is one of the most important web tools/ social media devices that an employee can use in almost any field, yet most people have an incomplete or inadequate linkedin profile. There are however certain things that you can do to both  improve your presence on LinkedIn, and also to improve your online experience. These are broken down into nine simple steps.

First, you must identify key words in your field for which you want to be linked and related to. That will result in  your name and profile  popping  up more frequently on web searches. Secondly, you need a good headline. Something that catches peoples attention, rather than simply stating  your job title. Next, ensure that the photo of you is a solid professional photo. A good photograph of you is vitally important to improving your online presence. Fourthly, write a very detailed summary of what makes you, you. Next, make sure to include every position that you have held including title and descriptions of those positions. Sixth, ensure you have a good number  of connection and join as many groups of like minded people as you are allowed.. That means connecting with almost anyone you have had interactions with either professionally or personally. That way it is easier to get in contact with someone when you need to. Next, make sure to include your “skills” and ensure they are endorsed. The more you endorse other peoples skills, the more likely they are to endorse yours. Next you should add comments and discussion topics in the groups you have joined. This will ensure you get your name out there and you will attract a lot of connection requests. Finally, search out recommendations. That is the most time consuming part, but once you can identify who will speak on your behalf, ask them to! This can lead to lots of opportunities.

LinkedIn is a powerful tool that if you know how to, can lead to many exciting job opportunities and advancements in your career. All you have to do is follow those nine simple rules for your profile to be set up for success!

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