Is sunshine helping your productivity or casting a shadow on it?

The majority of us Brits wait all year for a glimpse of the UK sunshine, so when it finally arrives it’s no wonder that it puts us in a good mood. It can make us feel happier and more energetic, but when it comes to your job, Is sunshine helping your productivity or casting a shadow on it?  We take a look at some of the pros and cons at working in an office on those oh so rare sunny UK days.

Is sunshine helping your productivity or casting a shadow on it?


It is reported that around 20% of the population suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which is a depressive illness caused by shortened daylight hours and lack of sunlight. For the majority of these people this is not a serious level, but ’Winter Blues’ can cause people to feel less motivated when it comes to getting up and getting to work. In the Summer months these individuals should find it easier o get up and get to work early and remain positive and focused throughout the day!


Employee absence can be an issue within some office environments and some of the most common reasons employees bunk off is if they are dissatisfied with their job, if they have an interview elsewhere, if they are hungover AND you guessed it, if it’s a glorious sunny day outside! Now this obviously does not apply to everyone, the majority of you are probably fantastic employees who only take days off when you’re really ill! However it has been noted that in some instances the good weather can spark absences so we have to put it down as a con!


Sunshine boosts your natural levels of serotonin – the body’s natural happy hormone! Not only will this make you feel happier but it should have an impact on your work colleagues and business contacts! Those in sales know how difficult it can be to get past a ‘gate-keeper’ when making cold calls, imagine how much easier it will be to generate business if everyone is in a good mood?


Suits and hot offices do not mix well. Feeling uncomfortable at work can not only take the edge off your otherwise happy mood but it can be very distracting for your work. As long as you dress appropriately (and maybe crank the air conditioning up) this shouldn’t cause a major problem.


We tend to make more plans and be more social during the Summer months, and while that may not directly impact on your work it can act as a fantastic motivation to get you through those tough tasks you encounter in the office.


The UK weather is unfortunately incredibly unpredictable, it can be glorious all week and low and behold start bucketing it down at 5pm on Friday afternoon. You may come to resent your office hours and envy those that work in the evenings that get to lap up the rays all day.


Well there are just a couple of the pros and cons – ultimately every individual is different and as someone who is an absolute sun worshipper, I couldn’t be happier for the spell of good weather! Fingers crossed it stays until the weekend!


Sophie Heaton (Digital Campaign Manager)

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