Manage your pay rise.

pay rise

How to Get that pay rise you feel you deserve.

Do you feel you deserve an increase in pay at work? Do you have evidence to support this request? You must be realistic about this. You have to feel you really deserve a raise and know why you deserve the increase that your are about to request. Once you are confident that you’re deserving of this, it shouldn’t be hard to persuade the necessary people. You just have to get a few things together and present your case!

Make and Present your Case

Think about all the reasons you deserve a pay raise and write them out on a sheet of paper. Go through email and find supporting emails of recognition for work you did recently, or since your last increase. Once you gather all this you should be feeling pretty good about yourself. Compile all that good stuff into a proposal to backup your request. Give the decision maker(s) advanced notice that you would like to meet with them for the approximate time you think you will need to present your case. Don’t make the meeting too long. It is very possible you won’t have an answer when you are done with your meeting. Be sure to thank the decision maker(s) for their time and give them a handshake and a smile.

Going Forward

Going forward, write down accomplishments, goals reached, positive feedback from others as they happen. Keep a log of all these things so when you need to request an increase in the future you will have this information readily available. Keep a notebook for all these things to keep it organized. It’s easy to forget those accomplishments as the days go by. Once you get your answer stay polite and pleasant and stay professional at all times, no matter what the outcome. This will be remembered.

Be proactive in collating info/data and positive feedback as and when it happens which ensures that you always have the ammunition available when it comes to making your case for a pay rise with your boss. You can be sure that the boss himself has information on you, some of which you might want to challenge with facts and data, so be prepared to make your case and justify that rise.

Steve Blythe (Recruitment and Social Media Commentator).


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