“No Poaching” Case Settled

A class action involving four of the world’s largest technology companies has recently been settled. The action involved Google, Intel, Adobe and Apple and the allegation was that they had conspired together to hold down salaries. Employees also involved included some from Intuit, Pixar Animation and Lucasfilm.
The US lawsuit involved 64000 workers and the claim was for $3bn. The details of this settlement have not been disclosed.
Under US antitrust laws if the case had not been settled, and it had gone to court and had been lost by the companies, damages may have been awarded upwards of $9bn.
The basis of the case was that the four companies operated a “no poaching” pact which effectively suppressed salaries of staff in the four companies.
The settlement is awaiting court approval by a US District Judge.
Apple and Google declined to comment on the settlement whilst Intel & Adobe denied any wrongdoing in their recruiting practices.

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