Settling into a new job

settling into a new job (1)

If, like me, you have recently moved into your dream job in a fresh new company, you will be all too familiar with the nerve racking ‘settling in period’. What’s the dress code? When is the right time to start promoting my whacky ideas? Will they laugh at my secret love of Justin Bieber?

There are so many questions you are dying to have answered, but don’t panic because we’ve got you covered! Read these 7 Tips on Settling into a new job:

  1. Look at the well established member of staff. Ask yourself what they do that makes them so successful?
  2. Have a plan. Know what you want and know where you are heading. Having a goal is the first step to achieving it.
  3. There is a reason you have 2 eyes, 2 ears and only 1 mouth. Although it is important to share your ideas, watching and listening are the two best ways to learn.
  4. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Saying ‘I’m not sure’ or ‘I didn’t know’ over and over again would knock anyone’s confidence. No company will expect you to know everything on the first day, but doing your research will make you feel a lot more comfortable when starting your new job.
  5. Think playdough. Be bright, be fun and be mouldable. Every company has their own culture, style and set of values. Some will be subtle and others will be lit up in lights. This comes back to watching and listening. How are others around you working? What are your bosses major ‘dos and don’ts’? Use these as a guide.
  6. Ask questions, ask more and then ask more again. If you are unsure of how to do something, don’t struggle in silence. Unless you are working in a 2 man band with the founder of the company, every one of your colleagues has been where you are now. People love to talk about what they do and what they know, just give them the nudge, sit back and soak it up.
  7. Finally, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. No one that became anyone got it right every time.

    Making mistakes is how we learn, so make them BUT learn from them.

Although this can be a daunting time, it is also incredibly exciting. Take your time, keep your eyes and ears open, enjoy yourselves and maybe don’t mention the Justin Bieber thing just yet.

Danielle Napthine (Digital Resourcer)

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