As the digital economy continues to grow and influence more industries, technology is continuing to be a driving impact. Becoming bigger than ever, the recruitment industry is now worth over £35 billion to the UK economy and is still adapting and changing. Here are some top trends that we will think will be taking the recruitment market by storm in 2021.
Social media and inbound recruitment
Something that is woven into Searchability’s key values is using social media to drive recruitment, and there is no denying the power of this! As simple as the platform may be whether that’s Twitter or LinkedIn, they all serve a unique purpose and gage different audiences. Now, traditional recruitment goes hand-in-hand with social recruitment, but perhaps this inbound way of activity will be the next best thing. With visuals channels such as Instagram being a great way to display work culture or sharing a job advert on Twitter to the large database of IT and Tech professionals – social media is the place to be!
Creating a brand presence on social media is the best way to attract candidates to your profile and create a flow of inbound traffic. As you may not be able to find the perfect candidates by a search or through the job boards, these people have to come to you. Leading you to a competitive advantage to other tech recruiters!

Artificial Intelligence is the next best thing!
While in the world of recruitment there will always be a need for human interaction and empathy to connect with clients and candidates, however we all know it can be a time consuming job. Manual repetitive tasks such as searching through CV’s and calling candidates may all soon be conducted via an AI service. According to Entelo’s 2020 Recruiting Trends Report, tech Recruiters are spending 16.5 hours of their working week sourcing candidates for one role, so a sourcing AI would be a productive source of automation to invest in and increase productivity. Even now according to a survey conducted by Advanced, 38% of HR professionals are seeing the use of Artificial Intelligence within their daily working life. So perhaps, an automation tool or a a chatbot could be the next thing to invest in. Imagine they visit your website and within 2 minutes you’ve got their location, what they are looking for and salary – directed straight to the recruiter leading to a CV send. Doesn’t sound too bad hey!
AI can be used as a smarter, more efficient way of recruitment alongside a multitude of strategies that can only be achieved by humans.

Analyse everything
Needless to say data is not a new concept but it’s something everyone should analyse probably more than they already do. It’s easy when you know how but starting to comb through the endless amounts of data you have in front of you can be hard. Also, speed is a crucial component when it comes to recruitment, with the top talent not hanging around so with the improved use of analytics it will improve the recruitment process. Starting out by looking at how long potential candidates have been at their role, where they have been previously and whether they have progressed through their role can be some crucial data when used properly! Having access to more and more data will only increase better decision choices when you approach situations giving you the upper hand every time when hiring. However, 40% of recruiters say that they don’t have enough data to make a fair and unbiased decision – which shows that this trend will be developing in years to come.

Video interviewing
If anything this pandemic has taught us a few things and helped us adapt to every situation in whichever way we can. You can successfully interview candidates without the annoyance of time delays on both parties which also saves time! Most applications that host video software such as Zoom or Skype allow you to connect from a variety of devices including your tablet, laptop or even phone – creating a fully accessible way of interviewing. Statistics show that 90% of employees schedule virtual interviews, showing it has become a great and crucial recruitment tool. Searchability can help and support with the use of our Searchability Go, allowing you to virtually interview in a super easy way whether you are a client and candidate. Plus there is no need to download any software. With the click of a simple link our consultants can arrange everything on your behalf, collaborating directly with candidates and hiring managers to create a smooth journey.

Flexible working
Never did we think we would be in a situation where nearly every workforce someway or another had to adapt due to the current pandemic. Companies had to look at creating a more flexible working environment allowing individuals to compromise depending on their situation. However, this has only fast forwarded time and shown that lots of companies can be flexible or even remote when they need to be. Accordingly, if companies are finding that the talent is hard to find, the opening up of a remote working option increases the amount of talent they can take into account, which is more efficient to the business. 2020 has only shown that flexible working is more adaptable to create a better work-life balance.
Above are some of the trends and advancements the Tech & Digital Recruitment sector are steering towards in the forthcoming years, so keep your eyes peeled as you don’t want to fall behind the crowd!