Tweet your way to a new job

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If you’re not already one of the 304 million active Twitter users then you could be missing out on a lot of potential job opportunities! The recruitment process is more fast-paced than ever before so Twitter can help keep you up to date with the latest roles as they go live as well as stand out to recruiters! Want to know how to Tweet your way to a new job? Read our tips below:

Spring clean your Twitter

If you already have a Twitter account now is the time to filter out any old posts that might pose an issue in the recruitment process. Steer clear of profanities and anything potentially offensive and delete any old tweets that you wouldn’t want your potential boss to see! Obviously social media can be used for fun but if you want to tweet your way to a new job then you need to add a professional edge to what you say!

Edit your profile

If you want to be found (and not scare off) recruiters then it’s time to edit your profile! Firstly edit your profile photo – ideally you want to select a photo of you on your own that’s relatively professional. It doesn’t have to be a black and white photo of yourself in a suit, just maybe steer clear of the ones of you chugging multiple Jägerbombs! Don’t forget to list your location as well as edit your bio with your job role and skills so you’re easy to find for recruiters!

Stop hiding

You may be tempted to set your profile to private when applying for jobs, but a private profile just raises one question…  What are you hiding? Instead simply clean up your Twitter behaviour and edit your profile as suggested so that if you are found by a recruiter you are showing yourself in the best possible light!

Get following

Make sure you follow plenty of relevant accounts – that includes companies of interest, careers feeds in your location / industry, and individual recruiters! Not sure where to start? Search for hashtags of locations and job roles of interest and follow what comes up! Remember, Searchability runs a number of geo-specific feeds of IT jobs as well as @JobsLiveUK where you will find all vacancies posted live 24/7!

Build your network

Think of your Twitter following the same way as your LinkedIn network – the more followers the more opportunity that you can discover a job opportunity or be discovered by someone looking to fill a role!

Engage with tweets

Try and actively post as often as you can as well as engage with relevant tweets regarding jobs you are interested in / news relevant to your industry etc.  by replying / retweeting / favouriting!


Sophie Heaton (Digital Campaign Manager)

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