Vizify Merges Your Professional and Online Identities Into One Easily Accessible Place

Vizify - your new online CV

Vizify came out of Beta in March, 2013. It’s a new way to aggregate data from social media and professional websites in a way that is easily accessible for job recruiters. It aims to become a one stop site to help recruiters make hiring decisions. Vizify aims to make you look more interesting, online.

Why do I need Vizify?

More and more job recruiters and interviewers are looking at your digital footprint as a way to make hiring decisions. Having no online presence is almost as unacceptable as having negative information about yourself online. Vizify can help pull together information from disparate online sources and social media sites – into one, easily accessible URL.

What exactly does Vizify do?

Vizify harnesses information from social media websites like Facebook, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. It paginates this information into about eleven pages whereby each page focuses on presenting different information about you – such as: your photos, quotes, favourite links, as well as the key words and hashtags you use on Twitter.

How do I use Vizify?

Using Vizify is purposely designed to be very simple. You just provide it with your links from popular social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – and it auto-magically does the rest for you.

Vizify separates your online presence into similar information types, and paginates it for you into a visually appealing, online and easy to read format. This simplicity of use, though, belies the rich depth of customization and personalisation available to you once you dig deeper. The basic account is free for anyone – but additional features incur a small monthly or annual charge.

With our lives becoming more and more digitized, recruiters are finding it more and more difficult to leverage online profiles to help sift through all of the information held about you. A site like Vizify really helps you to get your foot in the door by making a credible first impression and also the recruiter’s job much easier.

Want To Get Started With Vizify? Read > How Vizify Gives Recruiters Context for Your Digital Identity

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