When is it the right time to say “I Quit”

I quit

As the news takes over Twitter that Chris Evans has decided to quit Top Gear following a disappointing reaction to the new series it made me wonder – how do you know it’s the right time to say “I Quit”? Sure we often get the feeling on a grey Monday morning, sitting opposite that annoying colleague who insists on eating exceptionally loudly with a mountain of paperwork that just isn’t going down… “Do I really need this job?”. Not all of us have the financial situation Chris Evan’s does to pack our jobs in – so before you go marching into your boss’s office with your resignation letter here’s a few things to consider:

What is it that is making you want to leave?
Are you not being paid enough? Is your job role restricting your creativity? Are you struggling to cope with the work load? Is the commute eating into your work life balance? Do you find Sandra in accounts ridiculously annoying? Whatever it is you need to get to the bottom of it – it could be something you can turn around by speaking to your manager or HR team! Also you need to remember that the grass isn’t always greener, so make sure if you do decide to leave the next job you take isn’t going to leave you in the same position.

Have you tried everything you can?
As we mentioned you need to pin point what’s making you unhappy and try and rectify it! It’s no good getting stressed about your workload and not telling anyone, only to walk out a few months down the line with no warning. Chances are if your employer values you as an employee they will help make adjustments to keep you there.

Have you found something else?
There’s nothing worse than trying to find a job when you’re out of work – not only does it add phenomenal pressure to you, but it can mean you will take the first opportunity, instead of the one that’s right for you. Also companies will usually sway towards candidates who are currently working rather than those out of work – as it may raise alarm bells as to what has caused you to leave your previous position.

Work out your exit plan
Before you leave there are a few things to consider:

  • What is your notice period?
  • Are there any covenants or clauses in your contract you need to uphold?
  • Do you need to create a handover to another team member?
  • How can you end on a high note?

It’s always good to leave a role on good terms – after all you may not be intending to return to that particular organisation however people move around and you never know who could be a future hiring manager for you! Always uphold any terms / covenants in your contract and if you can leave a detailed handover to help the exit run as smoothly as possible. Most importantly, have a leaving party with plenty of cake and booze!

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