Why You Should Get To Know LinkedIn Intimately

Whether you’re looking for a new job, or just starting out on the career ladder, LinkedIn is going to be your best friend. You just need to know how to use it correctly to maximise your chances of success. Here is a high level introduction to the power of LinkedIn.

why should you get to know LinkedIn intimately?

LinkedIn is a social networking site for businesses and professionals. Although its designed to enable you to connect with your professional connections, there’s no problem if you also want to connect with your friends, relatives, past co-workers – even your friends’ co-workers.

The more people you connect with, the larger your primary network will be. If you can determine the dream company you’ve always wanted to work at – try looking it up on LinkedIn. You may be surprised to see that someone in your network (or their network, second level down) already works there. You can use LinkedIn to reach our and connect with them! All it takes is someone who knows someone and you’ve got a way of getting mentioned!

Does it really work in practice?

Yes! Your LinkedIn profile is your very own online virtual resume. You can add a picture of yourself, projects that you’ve completed, or provide links to some of your work online. Your colleagues and co-workers can endorse you for your skills and abilities and basically write a review for you online for potential employers and recruiters to see. You can join groups and follow companies you may be interested in.

What else can I get out of it?

Say you’re looking to be a Design Engineer and you’re just starting out. Take a look at the profiles of other Design Engineers. Find companies that have job postings. Make sure there are key words specific to that job in your profile. Employers will seek out buzzwords from their applicants. You can also research potential employers and connect with employees and Design Engineers that are already in the position and ask them questions about their workplace. Network!

Network, network, network. This can’t be stressed enough. It’s great to put down your skills and abilities on paper, but it’s better to show your accomplishments and endorsements. Building up an army of those who know your work and can support your abilities will stand out more than someone that just submits their CV or resume online and hopes to get a call.

Learn More > The 5 Things Job Seekers MUST Know About LinkedIn

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